Once again a sleep in eluded us as Eric, our amazing cruise director, could be heard over the loud speaker announcing our arrival in Cozumel Mexico. So it up off to breakfast.
With a house we were selling back home sold, we needed to sort out some more paperwork which has proven to be a battle. So off to guest services to see what they can do. Much more equipped than the last hotel, they printed, scanned and then gave us back the form on a USB. Champions!
Paperwork now sent off, we make our way down to level one and join the short line to get off the ship and out into Mexico.

We decided not to do any touring around today, yesterdays efforts had us feeling a little lazy. So we wandered around the port area, picked up a few things in the local shops, got some photos and then headed back to the ship.
With majority of the ship out exploring, we pretty much had pick of everything. So we went out to the Adults retreat, got an armful of towels and made a very comfy home in one of the much sought after pods.
And here we stayed for the rest of the morning and into the afternoon, napping, reading, napping, eating some pizza and then napping again. What a day!
We pop out for a quick bite in the buffet which was a let down, and while the ship was virtually empty, Adam had his way with the water slides and the pool. Then exhausted from all our lounging around in the muggy heat, we head back to the room for a shower and a breather.
Time to sail away from our last island of the cruise. We pop back up to top deck to watch Mexico slowly fade away into the distance and then it was off to our favourite time of the day, dinner in the restaurant with our friendly Indonesian waiters.
Stuffed full of amazing food yet again, we go back and find our comfy pod to watch the sunset and yet again, it was glorious.
Getting late, we head down to the Cinn-a-Bar to watch Mark belt out some tunes on the piano. As we walk in we get the announcement that the Australians are here which is usually followed by some cheers and claps. Americans are awesome!

We chill here for the rest of the night requesting songs, singing and we even met a couple from Minneapolis who are opera singers, they could certainly belt out the tunes.
All the while Mark was still giving Adam little tidbits of lessons for the piano which was very cool and we caught back up with Scott and met his wife Michelle. We tried our very first Washington apple shot, courtesy of Scott and we all tipped our glasses to good friends and an amazing cruise.
Time to call it a day now on what had been one of our favourites. With only one day left we were already getting sad that it was all nearly over.
More Photos from Cozumel