Treating ourselves today we don’t set an alarm knowing that we usually wake up with the sun at around 7-8am, so it was a bit of a surprise when we woke up to check the time…
10:30am, we must have been exhausted! We pack up in literally 15 minutes flat from when we checked the time, new world record!
Moving out of the Canyon Village today we were relocating to a new campground about 40 minutes away called Grant Village, not as big but we would be closer to the most famous landmark in the whole park, the Old Faithful Geyser.
When I said 40 minutes, I didn’t take into account the roadworks which left us at a standstill for about 20 minutes, we were fast learning that traffic here is a bitch!
Finally getting through we hit up the registration office and get ourselves sorted, our site was in Loop J which was a lot further away than our last spot.
Still, the same lush pine forest we choose to set up a little closer to the road as we couldn’t see much behind the tent but animal trails and trees. Looking quite the picture we leave out little tent and set out for the geysers, just a 30-minute trip away….
But we all know better now, the 30 minutes blew out to an hour with yet another ppile-upof cars at a standstill, we eventually just turned the engine off and played candy crush.
One positive for the horrid traffic was that we got to see a HUGE buck with gigantic antlers just strolling past the stationary cars, good on him for keeping us entertained.

Pulling into the biggest fluke of a car park in what was the most crowded spot we had been to so far, we make a bee line to the cafe and grab some hot dogs and a cookie, if the Americans know how to make anything, it’s hotdogs and cookies.
Then it was off to see the most viewed geyser in the world, but as it wasn’t due to erupt for another hour and a half we take the trail that took us around to all the different little hot springs and smaller geysers that were like nothing we had ever seen before, they looked like something from a sci-fy movie set.
Taking in all the splendour we nearly forget about the main attraction, we quickly make our way back to find a packed out seating area that was like a mini football stadium.
Squeezing in to find a good spot we wait, and wait, and wait until booooom, it erupts and sprays water 25 meters into the air, it was incredible!

Show over we head into the visitor centre and load up on water, the mini cinema was showing a movie about what makes Yellowstone so amazing, a tad boring we were happy it was over for fear of falling asleep and then go out to have a look at some exhibits.
Time was getting on so we make our way back to the parking lot before stopping for some snacks for dinner, our favourite chips and salsa and a little bag of cut up apples for the drive back as we had a feeling it would be a long one.
Along the way we stop in at West Thumb Geyser Basin to check out one last geyser.
With the huge lake in the background, the elk eating by the crystal clear hot springs that were glistening in the sun it was beyond beautiful there. We stroll along the trails and then make our way back, it had been an amazing day.

Pulling out of the parking spot we make it about two car lengths until we were at a stand still yet again.
So we pull out a miniature deck of cards that we had won several weeks ago at an arcade and play snap, Adam cheating as usual ended up winning on the final card.
So we pull out a miniature deck of cards that we had won several weeks ago at an arcade and play snap, Adam cheating as usual ended up winning on the final card.
We get moving once again and find it smooth sailing all the way to the campground, before settling in for the night we check out the lake just by our site which had a fair drop to get down to, so we decide on dinner on our picnic table instead.
Catching up on a bit of work, which is hard considering we haven’t had internet for nearly a week now, we finish the day all snuggled up in our tent with Linnie wearing nearly every bit of warm clothes she owns and Adam once again sleeping in his underwear.
More Photos from Yellowstone