Our very last night in the tent now over it was sad to be packing it up for the very last time.
We deflate the air mattress, roll up our sleeping bags, fold up the sheet and then lastly collapse the tent down and put it back in its zip bag.
We put the mattress, sheets and pillows to one side and head into the park office to ask if they would know of anyone who would like them, thankfully she said she has someone in mind and she greatly accepted the bedding.
As a little bonus we also threw in a beach umbrella and a little bag full of hotel shampoos and soaps.
A VERY clean car now with all of our camping bedding gone, we can now see out the back window with ease, and as we do we wave goodbye to Idaho and set our sights on Portland, Oregon, just a short 7 hour trip…

We finally arrive after an uneventful trip, only stopping for fuel for the car and ourselves, thankfully we gained an hour with the time difference so technically it only took us 6 hours.
Finding a fairly epic park right near our apartment that we rented off airbnb, we haul our luggage up a very ancient elevator to the 4th floor, settle in and the plan our day with a beer and some food in mind.
Being the micro brewery capital of the USA we head to a bar, unfortunately we needed a passport as ID or they wouldnt serve us…
Seriously, why would anyone carry around their only means of getting home around with them and risk it getting stolen or lost…
You’re not the only country in the world USA, get with the times and learn to accept other countries drivers licenses!

A little rant over we end up heading into a Starbucks, our poor stomachs growling as it was near 5:30 by the time we hit the street.
We decide to book a Segway city tour which was close by, meant to be a sunset tour of the city it sounded delightful and we were quite excited to be getting on the 2 wheeled beast again.
After our snack we head over to the Segway meeting place and get the usual spiel about safety from our guide Natasha, we pretended that we hadn’t been on one in ages and then jumped on and zoomed around straight away, we got her!
As it turns out, the Segway tour was a bit of a joke, so much so that in the end we emailed the company and got our money back.
In short we spent the whole time chasing this guide around the city while she gave us nothing about where we were, what we were seeing or any sort of history.

She even stopped so we could have a ‘break’ at a bar while she joined her friends for 15 minutes…
Not a tour at all, just a romp on a Segway, which was fun but hey, at $65 a pop we expected to actually get a tour.
Bloody hungry and disappointed we find a nice little restaurant and order up some dinner, luckily we didn’t get asked for passports or I’d fear for the waiters life for the death stares that he would received off the both of us.
Full and content we head back in the direction of the hotel until.. A GIANT bookstore slapped us in the face, when I say giant, I mean giant, this place has nearly an entire floor per section, safe to say Adam was in book heaven!

Spending a good hour sifting and searching through the shelves we come out with 2 books and one very happy Adam with a big smile on his face.
We head back to the room and watch a bit of TV until it was bedtime, totally knackered from driving so much it wasn’t long before we both dropped off to sleep.
More Photos from Portland